Nominations are happening now

The Council is comprised of 12 elders and deacons, with an elder and deacon team providing spiritual and physical care for each Council Family Group. We are seeking nominations for three elders and two deacons to serve a three-year term.

The Alive Board of Directors is made up of six members which includes the Officers (President, VP, and Clerk), as well as several members serving on specific teams (Facility, Finance, HR, IT, Safety, and Special Projects). The Alive Board administrates all these support services, in collaboration with the Council.

In order to discern those who will fill those leadership spots, we would appreciate your help in replacing these Board and Council members by receiving nominations from you. Here are a few questions you may have as you prayerfully consider this:


Think about individuals who have been on the journey with Alive long enough to know what we are about and are sold out to the mission and vision of Alive. These persons would be on mission themselves, reaching into our community to build relationships that bring LIFE.

For the Council, people to nominate would be members at Alive, have strong biblical qualifications, and have the spiritual maturity to provide Christ-filled care. Please see the Council nominations brochure for descriptions of roles and qualifications.

For the Board, people to nominate would possess an evangelical faith, be strategic thinkers, and be communicators with vision. Please see the Board nominations brochure for descriptions of the functions and responsibilities of our Board members. 


Send your nominations via email to

Please identify whom you are nominating and for which leadership role: board (specify team if possible), elder, or deacon.

Alive is committed not to hold bias against age or gender for these positions and anyone is welcome to nominate himself/herself.


Please return your nominations for both board and council members no later than October 20.

Thank you in advance for your participation in this process. As always, we covet your prayers for wisdom and for capacity in leadership and mission as together we do all we can and do whatever it takes to bring LIFE into our communities.