Groups going on now! Sign up for one below.
At the core of our Group ministry is growing in our relationship with God and our relationship with others. Alive's Discipleship Goals are:
building Christ-centered communities.
teaching and modeling Spiritual Growth Practices for daily life.
helping people develop Biblically-grounded Kingdom perspective.
equipping people for Gospel-centered, missional living.
Interested in starting a Group?
Leading a group is as easy as choosing your schedule, location, and curriculum; we will help you with the rest! Contact Brian to get started.
Fellowship Groups
The goal of fellowship groups is to develop authentic relationships with each other while also connecting with our community. These groups are often “themed” around an activity or a specific gender or phase of life and offer a low-commitment way to connect with others.
Supper Club
Schedule based on individual groups
Leaders: MaryJo Kunz & Lynn Zwart
Supper Club is a way for people to get to know others from Alive while sharing a meal. Supper clubs are formed of 4–5 couples/singles. They then get together to share a meal, everyone taking part of the dinner to share. It’s a great way to get to know others from Alive and enjoy some great food!
Game Nights
Third Monday of the month, 7–9 pm
Leader: Ryan Johnson
Game Nights, hosted by Ryan Johnson, are a time to bring community together in a spirit of fun and fellowship. With a wide range of games to suit every age and interest—including board games, card games, party games, and some classics—there is something for everyone to enjoy! These game nights provide a welcoming and chill space for people to connect, form new friendships, and share some laughs. No need to sign up or commit, just come when you can, and bring your friends!
Moms of Littles
Second Monday of the month, 9–10:30 am
Leader: Lauren Sall
If you're a mom with kids 0–8 years (older siblings also welcome!), join us for a time of coffee, fellowship, encouragement, and play!
Sister's Fellowship
Third Wednesday of the month, 1–2:30 pm
Leader: Jan Palma
Sister Time is a group of women with a Christ-centered focus that meets once a month at Alive. The sisters share life together through encouraging one another, while listening and supporting each other through prayer. We talk honestly about our weaknesses with respect and humility, as we work together to build authentic relationships and friendships. The values of confidentiality and trust are held high. Our aim is to share life and the love of Jesus. Everyone is welcome, so as growth continues the goal is dividing into smaller circles giving everyone a time to share and build life and friendships together. If you would like more information or have questions you can contact Pat Bryce, Katie Warners, or Jan Palma.
Men's Morning Group
Mondays at 6 am at McDonalds (near Alive)
Leader: Brian Boucek
Men of all ages are welcome to gather every Monday morning at 6 am at McDonalds (near Alive) for fellowship and prayer.
Disc Golf Club
Twice per month
Leaders: Brian Boucek & Greg Kuiper
Disc golf is an easy game to play; just throw a frisbee! Even if you’ve never played before, you’re welcome to join us. The game is extremely beginner-friendly and kids can play too! We meet one Tuesday evening and one Saturday morning per month.
Young Adult Sunday Lunch (YASL)
One Sunday per month
Leader: Brian Boucek
Young adults (ages 18-30) gather together for food and fellowship in the student cafe after the morning service.
Young Family Fellowship
Once a month
Leaders: Eric & Katie Heerspink
We are a group with young kids. Ages 3-7. We fellowship as families and look for opportunities to do events together around the community.
Learning Groups
Learning groups focus on growing in grace and knowledge. Usually lead by a teacher, these groups typically meet at regular times with a first and last session and focus on a specific topic or study.
Gratitude Book Study
Once a week
Leader: Emily Boeve
As Christians we have so much to be grateful for! Join us in reading Gratitude by Cornelius Plantinga to learn how to live a life of gratitude. Adults of all ages are welcome.
Monday Night Bible Study
Monday nights
Leader: Leslie Cammenga & Greg Kuiper
Monday evening Bible Study meets at Alive to study a passage of Scripture. The discussions are based on a Bible text that is read during the session, making it easy to join at any time. Join us for friendly fellowship, thoughtful discussions, and purposeful prayer.
Profession of Faith
Schedule varies based on individual
Leaders: Brian (John VK, Mel VB, Kate B, Anita H, Jan P, Paul VZ)
This course is another step in the faith journey where you will learn the basics of the faith, what it means to be reformed, and ultimately publicly declare your faith and commitment to following Jesus. Meetings are lead by a mentor and planned around your schedule.
Small Groups
Small groups are a unique blend of connecting with others through relationships and growing in faith through study. These groups usually meet in homes for a time of fellowship, study, and then prayer.
Women's Small Group
Wednesdays at 9:30 am
Leader: Kristin Hoekstra
Jenison Small Group
Every other Sunday, 6:30 pm
Leaders: Bob & Anita Huizenga and Jerry & Cheryl Glashower
Jamestown Small Group
One Sunday a month at 6:30 pm
Leaders: Kevin & Julie VandenBosch
Young Adult Bible Recap
Twice a month
Leader: Brian Boucek
Young Adult Bible Study
Twice a month
Leader: Brian Boucek
2025 Bible Recap
Twice a month
Leader: Brian Boucek
Sunday Afternoon Young Families
Every other Sunday late afternoon
Leaders: Karl & Jessica Jager
Sunday Evening Young Families
One Sunday night a month
Leaders: Lauren & Evan Sall
Serve Groups
Serve groups, also known as serve teams, are communities of people who are united around serving in a specific ministry. These groups offer opportunities for us to use our gifts to serve others and build God’s kingdom. Check out our Serve Groups here.
Sign up for a Group
Scroll through the list of groups to select the one you would like to sign up for. Or sort by day, time, or location in the menus on the top.