This is our 4-step process for returning to in-person ministries at Alive in Jenison. Click here to check out our more detailed metric.


Our values

These values are the cornerstone for making decisions on how to begin gathering again for worship. Read the full descriptions here. We value:

  • The interests of others, not only our own interests.

  • Relationship.

  • Peace and wisdom from God.

  • Safety for physical, emotional, and public health.

  • Witnessing to the community through how we restart in-person ministries.

  • Being flexible with our strategies.

  • Effective discipleship, which guides our decisions.


February 3, 2021 | update about on-campus worship

Dear Family and Friends of Alive,

On behalf of Alive’s leadership, I am super excited to announce that we are resuming in person worship beginning this Sunday February 7; 10:00am. You should have already received your invite via email, which includes the current safety practices for responsible gathering, and a link to the RSVP so we can plan for how many will be attending. I hope you are able to join in gathering for worship with Alive.

As you may know, this has been a long and crazy process for trying to determine “gates, not dates” for what levels of precaution we should set. Back in November a group of leaders, made up of members of council, staff, medical professionals from Alive, and a medical consultant, researched data and practices for determining the best way to move forward. That research included reports from local hospitals, the counties, MIDHHS, and other churches and schools, along with testimonies from our own nurses and doctors for helping us understand our current medical climate. That research was presented in December and a skeleton plan was drafted. It took a few more conversations to plow through the details. We fortunately have a variety of voices and opinions that helped sharpen the details so that we could align on a return plan. It wasn’t clean and easy. Some of it wasn’t fun. Every leader involved from Council, board and staff desired to be in person as soon as possible — but determining gates and aligning on a covenant of behavior was difficult. I thank you for your diligence in prayer and commitment to Alive and the leaders through this process.

And I appreciate your commitment to the mission, and even to tithing throughout this past season. This season has been hard for everyone — fatigue from leadership, all kinds of loss, constant change, and even the unknown. I am grateful for the blessings and resources we are able to turn into opportunities for relationship and discipleship. You are a part of something bigger than any one of us — building a kingdom in the hearts of those that God is bringing to himself, by bringing LIFE into our communities.

You may have already read some of the plans set in place for safe gathering: distancing, wearing a mask the entire time while in the building, and using the RSVP system. We are also working hard to keep the building clean, train volunteers in new practices, and there are now “air scrubbers” installed on all HVAC units. These scrubbers are ionizers which remove contaminates like dust and viruses, helping us to be more safe indoors. It is difficult for churches, who are built to be in fellowship, to talk to each other, and who love to sing, to be asked to limit those things during a pandemic. We have learned that close proximity for longer periods of time, and that talking and especially singing are primary ways we transmit this virus. We have aligned that limiting these is our best option.

We are hoping that the health conditions in West Michigan continue to improve, so that we can adjust the plans for using RSVPs, or distancing, and even mask requirements. We keep praying and planning for that blessing. The medical conditions are checked each week, and they are improving. We also pray that the mutations of the virus are limited and that vaccines are effective and abundant. If there is a new spike in cases we will redress the plan then. We can’t control that, but today we need your help to be in person.

Here’s what you can do to help. We are asking that you join in a covenant of behavior so that we can continue to be in person. By sitting in grouped chairs, by keeping your masks on the entire time while in the building, we can invest in the health of our congregation and community. By entering your RSVP and entering the building, you are saying “yes” to covenanting with Alive in these regards.

There are other ways to say “yes” as well. Prayer is always primary — He is our help. Some ministry teams need help to regain momentum in 2021, as there are persons and families who are not yet ready to be in a public group. Maybe this is a season you can help with Children’s ministries, or the Welcome or Worship Teams. Everything you see on Sunday is volunteer-powered. If you are able to help out, even for just a while, please contact the staff person over that ministry, or go to and click on the ‘get involved’ button. Complete the connect and serve card, and we will follow up. Restarting is more difficult than stopping — volunteer resources, ministry readiness and persons willingness take time and energy to regain momentum. Alive needs you! This might be an amazing year for something new!

Finally, if you would like to be connected to some help: finances, prayer, counseling, and even a small group or other ministry, please reach out. We would love to partner with you in bringing LIFE.

I am excited to be in person, again. Prayerfully, and full of hope, for Alive’s leadership — Pastor Terry

Wednesday, December 9 | Gates, not dates


Dear Alive Family,

In light of the recent spike of COVID cases in the state and in our congregation and local community, Alive is making the difficult decision to suspend Sunday on-campus worship services for the next three weeks: November 22 through December 6. It is our hope and plan to resume in-person worship on December 13.

The Board, Council, and staff have collaborated on this decision together, informed by, but not dictated by, updates from the Michigan Department of Health and Human services, local churches and organizations, and direct council from health care professionals. We will continue to evaluate and make changes through prayer and with consideration for our congregation and our community. We want to do all that we can to lower the numbers, in order to help make our communities safe again.

Here are some of the resources that we used:
social gathering guidelines
safe social pods
latest emergency order

While we will not have on-campus Sunday worship for a few weeks, Alive is not closed, and we are not online only. Because the virus is spread person-to-person by those in close proximity, we are adjusting and reducing group sizes to help create safe social pods that limit exposure. We are grateful for the technology to be able to do ministry this way in the interim, and grateful to you for how you care for others in this way.

We will be spending the next three weeks regrouping and re-evaluating, and will re-communicate with new ways that we can meet together safely in the near future. Until then, you can plan on livestream services Sundays at 10 am, and for our other ministries to continue inside these new guidelines for social gatherings.

Browse through this website for information and resources: ways to give or receive finances or to find counseling and prayer, KA-TV videos and lessons, and livestream services, and bookmark this page for future COVID updates.

In the meantime, we ask for your prayers and grace. On behalf of all of Alive’s leadership: may the Lord bless you and keep you; may the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you, and may he lift his face to look directly at you— and grant you his peace.

Pastor Terry

Tuesday, November 10 | Financial update

Click here to view our latest financial letter to the congregation.

Friday, June 26 | Important Update about in-person worship

Dear Alive in Jenison Campus members, 

We want to begin worshipping together again at 263, in addition to the Home Worship Groups using the Guided Worship format. We want to keep you and your family safe as the in-person gatherings begin. We have used our Restart Value Statements as guides for making decisions, and the 4-step plan for restarting in-person worship to determine readiness. 

We are excited to announce the restart of in-person worship beginning Sunday, July 19

Check out this video, and the text below, for more information about our return to in-person worship.

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

Here are some steps and guidelines that are in place for restarting worship events:

  • Seating will be limited (the physically-distanced capacity for 263 is much less than our regular worship attendance).

  • An RSVP system will be used (you will receive an invite for when your Council family group is gathering. We will see how this system serves us and adjust accordingly).

  • Groups of seats will be set up for you (in distanced groups numbering from two to ten). 

  • Wearing of masks is a way to demonstrate love (we will provide one at the entrance if you need one; exceptions made for medical reasons).

  • Personal Health Checks posted at each entrance as a quick way to check for symptoms

  • Sanitation Stations will be available (hand sanitizer, cloths, and sprays will be set up throughout the building)

  • Thorough cleaning will occur after each service for all spaces used: Worship Center and bathrooms, as well as Baby Breakrooms.

  • Greeters will hold doors open for you, positioned at entrances for no-touch entry.

  • Baby Breakrooms (with live-streaming) and two nursing mother rooms will be available.

  • Kids Alive and Nursery postponed until further notice.

  • Café services will not be available now, but we are planning a no-touch option for later. You are welcome to carry in your own coffee.

  • Connect and Prayer cards, as well as Bibles will not be available (you are encouraged to bring your own Bible, download an app, and carry a pen and notebook). 

  • If you or someone you have been in contact with is sick, we ask that you please stay home and worship with us online. Here are the links to online Guided Worship, and the personal health check info.

On behalf of the leadership for Alive in Jenison, I want to thank you for your patience and understanding during this global pandemic. I truly believe that the foundation laid for personal discipleship, using guided worship and Home Worship Groups, will serve us well in enduring ways. Regardless of weather, flu season, another pandemic or shut down, the online ministry of Alive will help resource and guide individuals and families for the pursuit of holiness in a deep and personal relationship with God. 

Thank you for being the church, and for shining the light of Christ in each household, neighborhood and community. Thank you for taking up the reins and owning the process of creating deep discipleship in your communities.

We long to be together in worship. And we will be—in the context of a new normal, where all of our same goals and mission remain: to bring LIFE into our communities.

Sunday, June 7 | Home Worship Groups

Sunday, March 31 | Our values & process for restarting in-person ministries

Check out the full description of our values here.

Wednesday, March 25 | Letter to the Congregation

Dear Alive Family and Community,

It’s a new week, with a new reality — “stay at home & stay safe.” This new and temporary way of doing life is probably the best way to flatten the curve of new cases spreading; but it’s hard. With schools and business being closed, with work hours, wages and jobs being cut, it may seem like the end of the world. (This morning I heard my introvert fighting my extrovert — one was sniping with sarcastic remarks, the other playing the silent treatment. It was kind of humorous, and a little frightening to listen to. Gotta admit though, my extrovert had some great one liners. Ha.) Sorry. Day 3 of sequestering — #Ineedahug.

Last week Saturday I sent out a letter to the church leaders (and by accident to all of Alive in Grandville) with a different perspective. Even though face-to-face gatherings are restricted, the church is alive and well. Nearly 100% of our ministries have been adjusted for this new Corona-context, people are connecting in new & creative ways of bringing life. We are hearing stories of how people are using technology to meet up, to play trivia, to pray for each other, and to do ministry and share worship.

This new crazy is also full of new opportunities. I have already been in two conversations about micro-churches and eChurch. Who knows what we will learn through this! Maybe God is up to something new, and we will learn it best when turn to him for help, and remember he is our peace.  Today, I have been thinking about Jesus’ promise to his disciples:

27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives.

Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.John 14:27 (NIV)

When my heart is quiet and full of peace — I hear him best.


Here are a couple things to know from Alive for this week…

Connecting is likely the deepest felt need right now. Today I talked to some people who are going stir crazy because they miss their people so much. Alive is continuing to do what we can to stay connected. If you wanna join the conversations and online events, I invite you to follow Alive on Facebook, and to bookmark your campus website ( or This week there are new updates about ministry opportunities, digital meet ups, resources, prayer requests, and worship. And remember to connect to your people. Your voice and face may be just the blessing someone needs today!

Alive’s Website and Facebook have the latest updates about eGatherings, announcements, worship, and ways to give or receive help. There you will find links to guided worship, children’s resources, ministry opportunities, and even the “give’ button if you are able to continue your giving/tithing during this crisis.

New ways to connect this week include a new Facebook Group (check it out on Alive’s Fb page) where you can share your worship and service experiences, a children’s worship experience for those with kids at home, and even a zoom happy hour meet up with Alive in Grandville. You can get all the information you need when you check it out.

Prayer is a big thing - always, and especially now. On the homepage, click on “prayer” and  you can share your requests, or call the prayer hotline at 457-5483. You are not alone!

Worship will happen online again this weekend. Look for links to the Guided Worship Page, where you can engage scripture, song, teaching and prayer. We are already planning for Maundy Thursday and Easter Sunday. We don’t know what it will be yet, but we will share the plans very soon.

The offices remain closed until further notice. Please call the office or your council member if you need anything. We’ll keep you posted as instructions and restrictions lessen or develop over the next weeks.

Our prayer is from the gospel, that we should be careful to do our good deeds in obvious ways for others to see, so that they will praise God in heaven (Matthew 5:15-16). Join me in the prayer that every expression of love Alive engages in will be received as a direct gift from God; so they may know Jesus and be saved. 

That’s it — for now. Be ready for updates from Pastors Susan and Carrie regarding worship this weekend; look for the links to Guided Worship. Keep bringing LIFE however you can. Be safe. Be well.

 Shalom. For Alive Ministries,

Pastors Terry, Susan and Carrie

Monday, March 23 | Letter from the Chamber

Good Afternoon,
The Chamber Office is Closed. However, we are working remotely and are available via e-mail or phone during our regular business hours 9 am -4 pm.  Look for updates and information from our Chamber Partner the Small Business Association of Michigan (SBAM).  If you have specific questions regarding how your business is affected by Covid-19 please reach out to:

Sherry Bryan
Director of Strategic Partnerships and Certification | Small Business Association of Michigan
D - (517) 267-2210,

Below is an updated list of local food service places and hotels who are operational and offering To-Go, Delivery and Drive Up options.  We continue to share their information on the Chamber Facebook page to help get the word out.  With things changing so quickly it's recommended to call ahead as hours could vary.  Also remember to tip!  #SupportLocal #Community 

I've talked to some of you and I'm encouraged by your good spirits during these challenging times. Thank you for staying positive!

Suzanne & Heather 

Screen Shot 2020-03-23 at 5.44.55 PM.png

fridaY, March 20 | Letter to the congregation

Dear friends of Alive Ministries. Of all the things we shouldn’t engage in right now, the thing we should all do is to engage in prayer. 

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known not God.” Philippians 4:6

I am posting today to connect with you about our current situations, and how we are adapting. 

Both Alive Campuses are closed to face-to-face group gatherings.

As you know, face-to-face meetings and gatherings are under high restrictions, everywhere. This affects how we gather for worship, prayer, meetings, small groups and in ministry to our community and neighbors. In fact both campuses of Alive have cancelled all face-to-face group meetings, including weekend worship until further notice. 

We are paying attention to our government, disease centers and health services so we know how best to live out our faith in the context of social distancing. Thank you for your willingness to help with prevention, and make your own adaptations on how to do life. 

Alive is working hard to adjust ministries.

Ministries are adapting to bring life to our community in new ways. Please pay attention to communications from Alive for how to engage these new opportunities. Here are some details:

Community outreach and Care —continues with the goal of resourcing you to bring life to those you know. If you need help — ideas or resources, please reach out, and we can help. We are setting up a call center phone line and email address to help you and others connect to help. We are working with Love INC, JPS, and other churches and non profits to help alleviate the stress and lack of staple resources for people in our community. We will pass along everything we know about how you can engage. 

Children’s Ministries — there are tons of resources online, and available for pick up  — check out Alive’s website and facebook for details. 

Prayer, and small group ministries — have gone to online meetings, and we have added a dedicated  prayer line. Look for email updates, opportunities to join an eGathering, or study alone.

Worship ministries — will go 100% online until further notice beginning this weekend. You can access the worship-at-home page from, or from the Pulse. This guided worship event is a great opportunity to be able to do discipleship together. There will be scriptures, prayers, songs, a message and discussion questions; even an action point to share your testimony. Just scroll down or click on each section at your own pace. Imagine if we all jumped on at 10am on Sunday, and worshipped together at the same time, each in our own homes. Wow, what a cool thought. This could be a great way to connect with others, too. Forward your Pulse, or share a Fb post on your timeline so others can find the link to worship. 

We will continue to post updates about ministry and opportunities and testimonies about service as they become available. We are praying for you! Be safe. Be creative. We can’t share space right now, but we can still share the gospel and love of Christ in very tangible ways. 

There are more complete details on the website for each ministry — check it out at

Shalom. For Alive, Pastor Terry

SundaY, March 15 | prayer

Since we aren't going to be together to pray for our world this Sunday, we are posting the congregational prayer, in the hope that you and your family will join us in prayer from your own homes.

Prayers from Psalms 91 & 46:

Father, we come to you with our lament in a time of trouble.

Today, it feels like our whole world is reeling under the threat of this pandemic.

And it’s impacting our lives in ways we didn’t foresee.

We feel helpless and anxious,
Doing all that’s in our power to contain and prevent,
Yet knowing that there’s so much we can’t control.

We can’t stop hysteria and selfishness from emptying out grocery store shelves.

We can’t guarantee that are own bodies are virus-free,
or ensure the safety of those we love.

But we CAN control this:

The posture of our hearts, and the centering of our minds, and the actions that we take…

To dwell in the shelter of the Most High,
And to rest in the shadow of the Almighty.

To say of You, Lord,
“You are my refuge and my shelter. My God in Whom I will trust.”

Father, we choose right now to trust in Your loving kindness,
Looking to You to save us from “the deadly plague”.

We trust You to cover us with Your feathers and protect us under Your wings.

We will rely on Your faithfulness to be our shield and protection.

And refuse to fear the disease that stalks in the darkness,
and the disaster that threatens destruction.

We remember in these moments that You are the One
who commands angels concerning us to guard us in all our ways.

Almighty God, You are our ever-present help in trouble,
And we will not fear, though the earth gives way,
And structures that we thought were stable
Feel like they’re falling into the heart of the sea.

We declare right now with joy that
the Lord of Hosts is with us.

The God of Jacob is our fortress.

Father, by Your grace, guard our hearts in this confidence.

Help us, and sustain this hope within us.

And for everything else that needs to come under control,
Sovereign Lord, we look to You.

You hold every moving element of our universe in Your hand.

Even when nations rage and kingdoms crumble,
Their trouble melts at the sound of Your voice.

We ask You, Merciful God,
To speak with that same power that created all things,
Your words of protection over our households, our communities and our world.

Speak divine wisdom to those whom You’ve gifted and positioned to combat this virus.

Speak strength to our weak and vulnerable members,
and healing to our sick.

And call out to all mankind to reveal Yourself as the rescuing Savior,
Drawing each heart into humble recognition of Your love and truth.

Pour out Your Spirit among us, like a river whose streams make us glad.

Because You are with us, we will not be moved.

Father, we accept Your invitation now to
“Be still and know that You are God.”

Lord Jesus, be exalted among the nations,
Be exalted over all the earth.

In Your glorious Name, Amen.

SundaY, March 15 | Kids alive resources

This is the day the Lord has made! I will rejoice and be glad in it!

Hello, Kids Alive Crew, Children, & Families! We are excited to now be online with our NEW Kids Alive Website! It is full of resources, tools, and activities to help us stay connected with God, His Word, and each other!

Check it out here. And also check out our "Live Out Loud" Special Bulletin. Let's continue to think creatively about ways we can bless one another while bringing life to community! Please also feel free to share this information with families who may find it helpful.

May our love for one another because of Christ be even more contagious than COVID-19!

Juliana Clink, Children's Ministry Director

Friday, March 13 | Letter to the congregation

Dear Alive Family and Community,

Like many of you, our conversations here in the office for the past few days have been about COVID-19; the Corona Virus. We have been in prayer about those infected, the vulnerable, and those who have already suffered a great loss—of life, opportunity, freedom, and resources. In the past two days our national, state, and local leaders in government, education, health, and churches, have learned much and have offered recommendations about not only prevention, but how to deal with concerns related to the illness.

Being mindful of recommendations and adjustments we each can make, personally and as a group, we are making some significant adjustments in how we gather over the next weeks. In order to help in matters of prevention and lessen the potential for the spread of COVID-19.

Personally, there are things each of us are doing, like washing our hands, not touching our faces, and if we are ill, staying home. And corporately there are some things we can do, to live into the CDC recommendations regarding large group gatherings.

To that end, Alive will not be gathering for corporate worship for the next two weekends —March 15 and 22, 2020 (we will continue communicating frequent updates to you, as we learn additional information). This decision is a difficult one, but we believe it is in line with the biblical values we hold with regard to our community. We believe that in doing so:

  1. It is in step with local, state and national guidelines and is in step with their recommendations for faith communities, schools, and sporting events.

  2. It is an expression of loving each other and our neighbor by personal sacrifice for the potential good of others.  The most vulnerable: elderly, young, people with diabetes, and those with heart or lung conditions or compromised immune systems each are particularly susceptible; some of whom come to church “no matter what”. 

  3. It is an expression of our witness to act in ways that do not put the church against the advice of public health personnel and other civic leaders or against the good of the local neighborhood.”

(from Classis Georgetown Vision Team)

Additionally, other discipleship ministries like Kid’s Alive, Students, and Small Group ministries will be adjusting their events to align with these recommendations. Look for communications from the leaders, or you may contact them directly if you have any questions.

The times we would usually gather together for worship or in our small groups are opportunities for us develop new spiritual practices. We have been working on the spiritual practice rest for the Lenten season. You could choose to rest, share a family worship experience, or listen to a message online. Maybe this weekend you could read and meditate on Psalm 46, or listen to Elevation Worship on Spotify.  Our plan is to send out some family and worship resources to you very soon. Look for those.

We trust you are able to worship Jesus in community in new ways, while at the same time taking seriously the challenges and opportunities this virus presents.

With great affection for each of you, may the Lord bless you and keep you, may his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you, for he is looking right at you to grant you his peace.

For Alive’s leadership --

Pastors Terry, Susan and Carrie